Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Masterbation With Rabbit

Zigeunerfilz ...

I'll start modestly with me occurred on ;-)
This somewhat blurry photos a week ago in Museum of Arts and Crafts, in Budapest.
After I had the 2nd prize Romani Design accepted tender price.
Romani Design is a young company, founded by the Roma fashion designer Erika Varga. Its goal is the culture of the Roma as motifs, colors, and several world trend, modern clothing and jewelry should be implemented. Once around the gypsies and the "Whites" get through fashion in more detail, because in Hungary there is "the Gypsy problem" with the social misfits, criminals and unassimilable. (That the extreme right since April "finally" in Parliament are is like. Her naming a stand against Gypsies "owe". * DaumengaaaanztiefnachuntenundlautBUUUUUH!)
also wants Romani design the gypsies offer modern fashion, while retaining its roots "carries". For young people (men, we women), for celebrations and for the business.
follow now some photos of the 2nd roma fashion show, which was combined with the awards ceremony and the exhibition.
intentionally Only now with Romani design clothes. Works of internal competitors follow a lack of time until now.

This is a real hooves as necklaces! Of course, a symbol of good luck.

like a gypsy princess: Helena Varga, goldsmith. It makes the jewelry design and is also the founder Romani.

law Erika Vargas in the interview. This hair! It is an "exception", dresses, most often, black. But of course the ruffles of Gypsy material. :-)

A lady in a Roma shirt, which was made from a large cloth.

The girls sang great! was

the exhibition are many photos:

more visitors in Romani dress. This I found most attractive
Oh, and photos of my gypsy felt there is only when I get back, I had in fact no more time to photograph them and they are issued, even in the House of Terror .
You all really the video of the first Romani fashion show at ! (There is very little talking in Hungarian and the clothes speak for themselves!)
Romani design in the www: (. Scroll down for photo gallery and look right) in Budapest, they have also a shop where you can buy the clothes.


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